Monday, December 31, 2018

Mew Year's Eve - I Just Knew

In 2015, I was babysitting Mousie over the holiday period. It was Mew Year's Eve and I was cooking and watching tv in the kitchen and had the back door open so Mousie could run in and out as she would always do. She was a bit slower and cautious than usual, and she had a bit of a serious expression on her face. I was standing there and we both looked at each other, and I said to her: 'Mouse, this is our last NYE together, isn't it?'. I just knew, and I could feel it in my bones. I had a bit of a panic and then sat down. She jumped up on the kitchen table and she sat and stared at me as if to say 'pull yourself together'. We just sat for what seemed like forever, then she jumped off the table and I stood up and continued with my meal prep. It was almost like when you watch a film and hit the pause button, like a moment frozen in time. It has taken me 2.5 years to write about this situation. But sometimes you just know things. 

(pics taken NYE 2015)

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Spooky Throwback

This pic of Mousie is from 2009.

We would have so much fun during the autumn. It seemed the crisp in the air put some mischief in her step, and it was during this season the most that she had what I called the 'midnight mentals'. By this I mean she could be crashed out asleep and purring, and then in a split second she would be stampeding up and down the stairs for absolutely no reason at all!

Those were the days.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

My Girl

Hi Kitties, 
The heat here in London has been stifling, and I think back to the days of looking after Mousie. Her beans had a large, airy house and I would love to go up there and see her - and cool off! I would do this quite often in the summer, and that is why August is so hard for me as traditionally, that is when I would be asked to sit for my girl as they would take their holidays then. 

Here are some pics, throwin' it back to 2012.

Taking a half-nap in the midday sun
 Relaxing on the grass
 Seeking shade under a chair
 The sunlight between her ears

And finally, here is a cool summertime song:

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Two Years...2 Minds

Hi everyone,
On Sunday it was two years since Mousie passed away. I think about her often, and was in 2 minds as to whether I should post or not. Grief is a strange thing. on the one hand, you need to grieve as it is a process. You also realise that at some point you have to let go and move forward, which I, as most people have (reluctantly) tried to do. 

 Then there is the other side of grief, where it is a given that you must hold on to your memories, because that is what you have cultivated with those who have past. Memories are supposed to bring you happiness, but ultimately they bring you sadness, so grief is a lose/lose situation! 
As with everyone, so much has happened in the last 2 years. There is definitely a void where Mousie was once. I do not do any pet-sitting anymore, as that part of my life is gone and I don't believe it can be re-created. I have found a cat friendly street near my locale, and always make a diversion in that direction when I walk home, so I can have a catch up with the local kitties, so there are a few new furry faces in my life. 
 In this pic, she is in her beloved garden on a summers day in 2012. She is having so much fun and looking up at me. 
I look up to the sky and think of her, hoping she is pain free, and at peace.

Thinking of you Mouse, 2 years on.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Overcast Day

On a rainy, overcast day
we would go outside to the back garden
and have a look around
Perched on one of the vegetable beds, or as Mousie would call them - her litter box!

(pics taken December 2015)

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Hail the Mew Year

Hi Guys, It's been a while - again!
First off, Happy New Year. I hope you all had a peaceful end to what has been a tumultuous year around the globe. I have not been on the site, as you probably know, and therefore have lots of catching up to do with other peoples blogs. I shall be doing the rounds today and seeing what is going on in other kitties lives, which are a lot more relaxing than mine, I should imagine!

I can't believe it's been one year and almost 7 months since I lost this one. The new years was kind of tough, because if I wasn't over there with her, I definitely visited before or after. She is always in my thoughts. 

Now that the bane of my existence - my new computer - is finally up and running(hurrah!), I have uploaded some of the old pics of her from one of the memory sticks. To hell with my documents, I have pics of Mousie backed up all over the place!

I was trying to decide which ones I wanted to upload as my first post for 2018, and I was thinking of these ones as I love how her fur contrasts the pattern on the sofa. As I went through each file and finally found them, weirdly enough they were taken on 2nd January 2016. Coincidence, Eh?

I look forward to seeing all of you and getting back in to the swing of things.

 Copping a feel of her butt
 Probably staring at a pigeon
 Deep thinker, like her best friend
Looking at each other