Tuesday, March 06, 2007



Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Uh, Rosie? Something we should know about here? LOL! Also, could that be you petting Ze Kitty in ze background of ze first picture?

Emma's Kat said...

LOL! A magnet set?!? Did you get yourself the magnet set Rosie? And a copy of Beyonce's CD? Is the orange kitty saying, "extra thick to really (stink, crossed out) stick? Funny! And even a hairball magnet!

That's Rosie, Kim! :)

Louche Tabby said...
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Louche Tabby said...

......ahem.....this is the Louche Tabby 'shaking her groove thang'....*

*this is also the first thing I see in the morning when I cat-sit!

momsbusy said...

have you seen the t-shirts with the kitties facing you on the front and then on the back you get to see their back sides? it is cute.

Daisy said...

Oh, I am blushing, just a little bit.

caspersmom said...

Goodness looks like a bunch of targets to me. I also get that too if I don't get up and give Casper his temptations early in the morning. Follow me Mom to the kitchen. Momsbusy I used to have a sweatshirt that had the cats facing front then on the back the backside. Got compliments all the time on it. I think I ended up giving it to my daughter cause she liked it so much.


Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

I've seen that shirt! And now that you mention it, I get presented with the view quite often from Mr. Oscar, too. They just gotta stick that tail way in the air and show their "stuff!" LOL!

Karen Jo said...

Hi Rosie. I wrote about KC being a Tough A** Tortie and MaryLynn told me in the comments that you invented the term and gave me a link, so I came over. I like what I see, so I'll be back. What a neat collection of cat booty. I hear there is also a cat butt coaster set. LOL.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hahaha! We have these stickers too!

Lux said...

I m tping with a paw hld over ny eyes ...

DK & The Fluffies said...

I like foofy butts and I can not lie...