Tuesday, June 07, 2011

The Kisser

Close-up of Mousie's kisser!


Louche Tabby said...

She's perfect.

Athena said...

Gif me a big smackeroo!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

And what a cute kisser it is!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I think you have black lips just like me! My human calls them "goth lips."

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

What a great close up picture! Our flashy-box just makes dots up that close. Or the picture is blurry. One of those.

caspersmom said...

Wow, Mousie what a cute kisser you have. Mom did a series of pictures of me like that too. It's been awhile though. In the first pic it looks like you are really meditating on something. Mmmm wonder what it is??? Mom forgot to wish Rosie(who else) a Happy Birthday on her special day. Happy Belated Birthday Rosie(who else) hope you had one heck of a great day.

Casper, Cleo and Momliptits

The Royals and Gentleman Beau said...

Mia Culpa! Rosie!(who Else)
Happy Belated Birthday!

May the Gods be good and you remain as youthful and in complete presence of mind!
(QM bitches "old age sucks" incessantly)