Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Love Punk

Mousie was a 'love punk'. I would call her that, in fact I would call her many things - Lady, Beauty, Fuzzbucket, Troubleinafursuit...the list goes on. It's a wonder she responded to 'Mousie' when she was called. 
And we all know everyone has multiple names for their furbabies.

Tell me some of yours.

(pics from 2014)


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I love that circle on her side.
Eric: Humpa Lumpa, Erkins Lerkins, Oodle Doodle and lots of others.
Flynn: Flynnskins, Flinders, Chimmy Chipsticks, Flynndiana Jones, Chumba Wumba and more.
Don't ask me how I got to those names because I haven't a clue.

Marti said...

What a pretty girl!

Buddy's nicknames are Buddy Boy, Buddinski, Buttinski, Sweet Boy, The Cat, Rotten Cat, Poor Baby

pilch92 said...

I always say the more nicknames a cat has, the more loved. XO

Gidget Blue Sky said...
