Sunday, September 04, 2011

Sunday Special

Ferocious, moi?

This is what Mousie thinks of the dog!


Louche Tabby said...

These are hilarious outtakes from the July Sessions in Mousie's garden. The top one is a bit blurry, but again, the subject matter overrides the composition. And the bottom one is me again catching Mousie in action. The tongue is for real and not Photoshopped.

The Royals and Gentleman Beau said...

I had a very real, very similar reaction to an individua only just yesterday. I'm feeling mousie could have expressed my contempt in a much more eloquent fashion, yet driven home just how much in disdain I hold this *hyaack* person in (Initials MS...or Writeacher if you don't speak initial...ahem...)

While I just occasionally see an angle where Emily or Brutus may show evidence of FB's, they seem to blend in to their facial features at the turn of her head.
Mousie is and will always be the Reigning Queen and Namesake for FB's around the World.

The Royals and Gentleman Beau said...

Sorry for the typos...would an excuse of a slip of my Chef's knife last night whilst prepping a London Broil convince you it was really not illiteracy?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

The last picture is an excellent expression of distaste!

Summer at said...

Mousie, of course you are ferocious! You are a wild creature of nature, like all us cats!

The Island Cats said...

Mousie, that's what we think of dogs, too!

Athena said...

Mousie, I don't like woofies either! But I do like your little pink tongue.

caspersmom said...

You give those doggies heck Mousie. Are you hissing at one in the top picture?? Love your tongue sticking out whether it is at a dog or just for the picture. Looks like you are enjoying your time outdoors.
